The dangers of hospital-acquired infections.
1,000,000s of patients suffer from hospital-acquired infections annually.
1 in 17 patients have been found to die because of these infections.
Contaminated surfaces can transmit hospital pathogens - which are often more lethal than regular surfaces due to antibiotic resistance, etc.
Hospital-acquired infections are thought to add billions of pounds to healthcare costs - because of patients staying for longer, higher readmission rates and greater mortality.
We apply a self-disinfecting copper coating to most touch points, creating a safer hospitals for patients and staff.
We are working with the NHS Academic Health Science Network to deliver our services to hospitals across the UK.
Providing a safer environment for hospitals and patients.
Clinical research in the USA, funded by the Department of Defence, found that covering less than 10% of an ICU with copper reduced infections by 58%.
The payback period has been estimated to be under 2 months for coatings rooms with copper .
Our new technology allows us to ‘copper coat’ surfaces in a cost-effective way, which means that widespread application is now possible – together we can save 1,000s of lives.
We can help.
We provide a cost-effective, cutting-edge solution to prevent tactile transmission of COVID-19 and other diseases.
We can either provide new fittings directly to your hospital OR we can work with your existing fittings rather than you needing to replace them.
Surfaces we protect include:
Door handles
Hand rails
Light switches
Toilet flushes
Hospital bed railings
We can cover your existing fittings with anti-microbial copper via our mobile spray units, which means that no space is required on location, and no mess is left behind.